Imran Khan Message from the Jail


imran khan message from the jail

Imran Khan's message from the Adiyala Jail to the Nation.

Imran Khan's Call for National Mobilization

Imran Khan has issued a clarion call to the people of Pakistan, urging them to stand up for their freedom and democracy. Describing the current moment as critical, he stated that only through a Jihad for Justice and Democracy can the nation secure its future. He emphasized the importance of the rule of law, calling for a street movement to reclaim democratic values. 

“The time for Jihad has arrived,” Khan declared, urging his party and supporters to be prepared for mass mobilization, insisting that it is "now or never" for the people of Pakistan.

Threat to National Institutions

In his speech, Khan expressed deep concern over the erosion of Pakistan’s institutions, particularly the judiciary. He claimed that all major institutions, except the Supreme Court, have been compromised. According to Khan, the attack on the judiciary is part of a broader attempt by powerful figures to consolidate power.

He singled out Justice Qazi Faez Isa, accusing him of protecting corrupt individuals and suppressing efforts to expose election rigging. Khan stated, “Qazi Faez Isa will not let the election rigging be exposed. He is protecting the thieves,” further highlighting that this is why the judiciary's support is crucial in the ongoing Jihad for Justice and Democracy.

Allegations of Political Oppression

Khan also levelled serious accusations against several political figures, including Mohsin Naqvi, the Chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), and the Inspector General of Punjab. He accused them of orchestrating a campaign of oppression against his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), and being involved in the death of party worker Zille Shah, who Khan said was tortured. 

In addition, Khan condemned the imprisonment of his wife, Bushra Bibi, calling it a result of personal vendettas. “Can someone tell me what crime my wife is imprisoned for? Bushra Bibi is in prison only because of one man's ego,” Khan stated, directly blaming military leadership for the injustice.

Urging the Judiciary to Stand Firm

Khan repeatedly emphasized the judiciary's pivotal role in protecting the nation's democracy. He warned that if the judiciary fails to act, Pakistan risks descending further into political chaos. He appealed directly to the Supreme Court to uphold the rule of law, stressing that their actions during this time will be remembered by the people.

“Our movement is a Jihad for democracy,” Khan stated, framing the struggle as not just a political battle but a fight for the soul of the country. He called upon the judiciary to resist external pressures and ensure justice is served, reinforcing the idea that this is, above all, a Jihad for Justice and Democracy.

"Khan declared, "Our movement wages a Jihad for democracy," emphasizing that, indeed, the fight is not only a political conflict but also, moreover, a battle to protect the nation's essence. He urged the judiciary to resist external influence and, consequently, uphold fairness, reinforcing the notion that this is primarily, in fact, a Jihad for Justice and Democracy."

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