Natural Beauty of Pakistan, Karakoram Highway & Tarbela Dam

Natural Beauty of Pakistan, Karakoram Highway & Tarbela Dam

Karakoram Highway

Karakoram Highway passes through the Karakoram mountain range at maximum and mission 4714m  near khunjerab pass. It is a 1300 national highway that crosses into China and becomes China National Highway 314. Due to its high elevation and the difficult conditions in which it was constructed, it is sometimes referred to as the eighth wonder of the world.

Natural Beauty of Pakistan, Karakoram Highway & Tarbela Dam

Tarbela Dam 

Tarbela Dam is also the largest dam by structural volume. Tarbela Dam has a surface area of approximately 250 square kilometres built across the Indus river in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, it is located in the Swabi and Haripur districts. The dam was completed in 1976 and was designed for water from the Indus river for irrigation flood control and the generation of hydro and effect.

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