Pakistan urged Afghanistan to address cross border terrorism


Pakistan Urges Taliban to Address Ties with TTP and Women's Rights Restrictions

Pakistan has called on the leadership of the Taliban in Afghanistan to clarify their connection with the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and to work together to address the escalating cross-border violence caused by the TTP, a globally designated terrorist organization.

Amid increasing deadly attacks in Pakistan by the TTP, Pakistan's special representative to Afghanistan, Asif Durrani, emphasized the need for transparency and urged the Taliban to confront the TTP's activities as a crucial step towards building a sustainable bilateral relationship.

In response to accusations of TTP presence in Afghanistan, Qari Fasihuddin Fitrat, the Taliban's army chief, rejected the claims and asserted that the TTP operates from bases in Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

While acknowledging the Taliban's efforts in improving national security since their takeover, Durrani expressed concern over the restrictions placed on Afghan women, emphasizing the importance of upholding women's rights and education as integral parts of any society, including Islamic societies.

Recognizing international demands to reverse these restrictions, Durrani highlighted the calls by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to lift these bans. Despite these concerns, the Taliban have cited adherence to Islamic Shariah and dismissed global criticism, indicating a need for constructive dialogue and engagement to address these issues.

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