Survey Shows Where SEOs Get Their Clients article by Roger Montti


Aleyda Solis
Here is the outline of the article (For Details) I. Overview of SEOFOMO Survey by Aleyda Solis A. Aleyda Solis' background in International SEO B. Insights provided by the SEOFOMO survey II. Areas of Specialization A. Technical SE
B. Content-Focused SEO
C. SEO Generalist D. SEO Management E. Link Building F. Other areas of SEO specialization III. Profile of Survey Respondents A. Full-Time Agency SEO Consultants B. Freelance and Independent SEO Consultants C. Part-Time SEO Consultants D. Other professional categories IV. Client Demographics A. Sizes of clients handled by SEO professionals B. Breakdown of client demographics V. Sources of New Business A. Referrals are the primary source of acquiring new clients. VI. Conclusion A. Key insights provided by the SEOFOMO survey

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